Types of CBD Products

In today’s industry, there are many ways to consume CBD products. You’re probably wondering whats the most effective route of ingesting CBD to get the best of it. In this article we will go over the various routes in which CBD can be taken and which one you might prefer over the other.


CBD oil is an extract sold in the U.S. in one of two categories. Crystalline isolate only contains CBD because manufacturers remove cannabinoids like THC. Sellers and manufacturers may sell full spectrum oil retain some THC in states where it is legal. Consumers can use the extract or oil in a variety of ways.

Benefits Include:

  • CBD oil is taken sublingually (i.e., held under the tongue for a minute before swallowing the remaining liquid) and absorbs into the bloodstream fairly quickly.
  • The potent nature of CBD oil means that you don’t need a lot for desired effects.
  • CBD topicals tend to be very affordable since they have a lighter density of CBD in them.
  • The method of consumption means that CBD topicals are incredibly easy to use.
  • The effects of CBD topicals can last for hours, so it’s easy to include them in your routine.
  • CBD topicals are discreet, since using topicals in everyday life is very common.

CBD Pills

CBD pills are a convenient way to add the benefits of CBD into your daily vitamin and supplement routine. They are designed to deliver the correct CBD dosage for daily everyday health and wellness. Take them like any other pills with a glass of water or your favorite beverage. When taken with food, particularly food containing fatty acids, it will improve how your body absorbs the CBD.

Benefits Include:

  • CBD pills have a set amount of CBD in them, so you don’t have to measure it out yourself.
  • It’s very easy to use CBD pills, especially since most people have swallowed similar vitamins, supplements, or medications.
  • Because CBD pills are absorbed when digested, they tend to have particularly long-lasting effects.

CBD Gummies

CBD gummies made from industrial hemp are available that contain only insignificant traces of THC. They are legal in all 50 states and have been tested as safe for consumption. Like the popular gummy worms and gummy bears, manufacturers make it with gelatin, fruit juice, a sweetener, natural food dye, and CBD oil. They’re especially attractive to children with conditions that CBD helps.

Benefits Include:

  • They taste delicious. No matter your craving, you can probably find a flavor to match.
  • Edibles must pass through the digestive system before they’re absorbed into the body. This means you’ll feel the benefits for a lot longer than other methods of CBD delivery.
  • CBD edibles are perhaps the easiest method of CBD consumption.

CBD Pet Products

Thanks to CBD for pets, your furry friends don’t have to be left out of benefiting from CBD. Your vet can advise you on the proper CBD dosage. There are several CBD products for pets, although the most popular are in the form of oils.

Benefits Include:

  • You won’t have to force-feed CBD supplements to your pets if you use the oil and tincture forms. Just add it to their food.
  • CBD for pets is specifically formulated with the proper dosage, so it’s safe for your pets to use. However, you should always get your veterinarian’s approval beforehand.

CBD Topicals

CBD topical come in various forms. The most common are seen in a cream or balm. They can be isolated CBD or come with other beneficial ingredients such as arnica, menthol, and lavender. They are typically used for reducing pain and inflammation stemming from the joint or muscle or even the skin itself.

Benefits Include:

  • Easy application
  • Quickest form to feel the benefits
  • Reduces pain/inflammation

There are other forms of CBD products on the market but these are the most common products you will find either at a shop or online!

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